

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is the most frequently occurring congenital disorder responsible for 28% of all congenital birth diseases.

1.35 Million Babies born with CHD each year globally

200,000 Babies aged 0 to 8 years born with CHD each year in India

40,000 Babies born with CHD require a surgical intervention within their first year of birth

Unfortunately, many underprivileged families cannot afford a surgery for Congenital Heart Disease. Such surgeries fall within a range of INR 100,000 up to 500,000. A lack of resources ultimately leads a loss of life and a family is left shattered forever.

Target Beneficiaries

“Aayush” is an initiative of Diya India Foundation, aiming at giving these young lives another chance at life. We take children as young as newly-borns’ up to 14 years of age, under our wings and support them financially for their treatment.


► The foundation is driven towards saving young lives diagnosed with congenital heart disease, congenital malformation, hearing disabilities, etc. whose parents aren’t financially capable to afford their medical treatment.
► Diya India Foundation raises funds to support the surgeries and hearing aids for the underprivileged children.
►The foundation has been helping several children born with congenital diseases & hearing impairment with their evaluation, treatment & management for 6 years.

Hospitals & Clinics Working with Diya India Foundation

Congenital Heart Surgeries

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

Paras Hospital

Amrita Hospital

Hearing Aids

Asha Speech and Hearing Clinic

Future Endeavours

To support Emergency Congenital Malformation Surgeries which are needed to be performed within 48 hours of birth.