Iraqi Girls Get New Lease of Life in Delhi

Two Iraqi girls were brought to Delhi after being diagnosed with advanced stage of Congenital Heart Disease in Erbil. Due to lack of medical facilities in Erbil, their parents were losing hope with every passing day to see their child get any better. Both the girls, two years old Staish Azad Khalil and seven-year-old Naveen, were living in extreme conditions in an internally displaced person’s camp in Iraq before coming to Delhi and would not have survived long without medical attention. Fortunately, “Diya Global”, a part of Diya India in collaboration with “Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation” contacted Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi where their condition was evaluated. Staish underwent successful surgery and was deemed to fly back whereas Naveen was found to have a medically manageable problem and once therapy was successfully established, she too was permitted to fly back home. The parents with all their emotions have expressed high gratitude to the organizations for saving the lives of their children.
