
Proud to Bleed

“Proud to Bleed” is not just an initiative but a life-changing experience for the women in the slums of Delhi. Under this initiative, the Foundation conducts awareness and sensitization session about menstrual health. Free sanitary napkins are also shared with women to help them embrace womanhood in a healthier way.

Target beneficiaries:

Out of the 355 million reproductive-age women and girls in India, only 12 percent use sanitary pads during their periods. Most poor or illiterate girls don’t know about sanitary napkins and they end up using rags and ashes. Moreover, they cease to going to school when they start menstruating.


Lack of menstrual hygiene management is a major reason for the majority of the girls skipping schools during their periods and eventually dropping out at an early age and missing out on their education. Menstruation and menstrual hygiene related discussions are still not common in the Indian villages and across a large section of the urban society even now. We need to break the vicious circle of taboo and talk about menstrual myths without being ashamed.