
Clean India Green India

Clean India Green India

Cleanliness is next to godliness. If we will keep our surroundings clean, we will have healthy surroundings. Clean India is a dream of many but how many of us work for it? We all need to work at the grassroots level to make our country clean…

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Global nutrition report

India has one-third of world's stunted children: Global nutrition report 

NEW DELHI: India is facing a major malnutrition crisis as it holds almost a third of the world's burden for stunting, according to a global nutrition report published Thursday. 

With 46.6 million children who are stunted, India…

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Right to Equality

Why do we have a different set of rules for men and women in society? Why do we have gender-specific roles in the family? Where is this all coming from?


According to a scientific study, women are multi - tasks performers than men. However, men are preferred over women…

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Proud to bleed

This period doesn’t mean stop.

There is one particular gift that every girl will receive at some point in her life - and that is the beautiful, awkward, smelly gift of womanhood. In some parts of the world, this gift is celebrated- girls are eager to tell their mothers and…

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Importance of Education

Education is the fundamental right of every human being. A man without education is like a building without foundation. Education is that powerful weapon through which we can make ourselves an asset for our country. Education has the power to eradicate poverty and other issues from our society.

Education is…

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