Importance of Education

Education is the fundamental right of every human being. A man without education is like a building without foundation. Education is that powerful weapon through which we can make ourselves an asset for our country. Education has the power to eradicate poverty and other issues from our society.

Education is important because it gives us knowledge of various vital things. To live a good life one needs to be educated because it enlightens us. Moreover, it tells us what is happening around the world, makes us well-informed individuals. The way we see and perceive things, changes with the help of education. It makes the person skillful. Only an educated person can help in the progress of the country, not an uneducated one.

Educating every child is necessary for the bright future of their own as well as our nation. The government needs to conduct campaigns for spreading awareness about “education- the road to progress”. Moreover, the government needs to keep an eye on the implementation of education schemes and policies. People need to understand that education can do wonders. It can take us wherever we want. So empower yourself by education as it can make you live a meaningful and successful life.