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We are contented to inform you that Anmol can now hear and speak. 7 years old was suffering from Bilateral (Severe to profound) Hearing Loss since birth. With the help of Diya India Foundation, he was provided with hearing aid at Asha Clinic.It wouldn't have been possible without the contribution View More
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With the blessings and support of our exponents, Deepika who was diagnosed with Severe Pulmonary Valve Stenosis, a serious heart valve disorderis now healthy. Her treatment involved a cost which was unaffordable for her parents but fortunately, they found their way to Diya India. Her parents and the staff and View More
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Rajvi Nag

It gives us immense pleasure to inform that Rajvi Nag has been treated successfully. The two-year-old was suffering from Patent Ductus Arteriosus and needed funds which were impossible for her parents to gather. When they were just about to lose hope to see her get her health back, they got View More
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Rumisa Jan

With the blessings and support of our exponents, Rumisa who was diagnosed with Patent DuctusArteriosus is now healthy. Her treatment involved a cost which was unaffordable for her parents and therefore they found their way to Diya India. Her parents and the staff and management of Diya India are extremely View More
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Purvi Pandey

Sarvesh Pandey could not believe when doctors told him that his only daughter, Purvi is suffering from Congenital Heart Disease. Before her parents could celebrate her first birthday, the cost of her treatment turned their world upside down. Despite exhausting their assets, they could not gather the amount. They then View More
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Shiv Singh

With great pleasure, we would like to inform you that Shiv Singh, who was barely a year old when he was diagnosed with a hole in his heart, had a successful surgery and is recovering quite well. The staff and management at Diya India Foundation and Shiv’s parents are extremely View More
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We are extremely grateful to inform you that Dakshita successfully received Hearing Aid in both ears with speech and hearing therapy. She was suffering from Bilateral Severe to Profound hearing loss by birth. She is recovering well and is enjoying the power of hearing. The staff and management at Diya View More
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Md. Sultan

Greetings from Diya India Foundation! It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that Sultan has been treated successfully. The 9-year-old was suffering from Large Secundum Atrial Septal Defect and needed funds which were impossible for his parents to gather. They had to wait for nine long years in helplessness… View More
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The team of Diya India extendsa heartfelt thanks to all our supporters for supporting Humaira’s Heart procedure. . With utmost pleasure we would like to inform you that Baby Humaira is recovering well and has been discharged in good health. . Your generous support is our greatest treasure !! View More