In a constant war against hunger, 2 young children, Samaira and Aarav, make a note worthy contribution.
Fertilizers and manures are manufactured world over in large quantities so that no one in world goes hungry. Despite this huge effort, 118 million people still go to bed hungry. With the aim of continuing this ‘War Against Hunger’ in the capital city of New Delhi, Diya India Foundation is making some significant strides in helping those poor and underprivileged families, who cannot even afford two square meals for the day.
Diya India Foundation distributed ration kits to more than 100 families living in the slums of Madipur. Each ration kit contained things such as a kilogram of rice, lentils along with five kilogram of wheat flour, spices and some instant noodles as well as biscuits for the children. To plan and curate these kits, two enthusiastic children, Samaira and Aarav, made a magnificent effort. Due to their applause worthy efforts, these kits were able to reach those in need.